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Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions

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Sjednica u Čakovcu na engleskom - Čakovec meeting in english
Autor: domagoj babic8, 8. 6. 2009.

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, (May 25th, 26th and 27th) NSCC's meeting was held in Čakovec, in the very north of Croatia. The agenda was very long, 21 points long, but the we have successfully done it in the first two days, while we went home on Wednesday morning.

 As part of the meeting, on Monday we had visited Kuršanec Primary School in Kuršanec, a village near Cakovec. This school had been chosen due to its students' council's active role in the social life of the school and initiation of solving problems of violence in the school and because the school is attended by many members of the Roma minority (62% of the total number of students). NSCC Members, together with our guest on the part of the session, spokesman of the Ministry of science, education and sports, Mr. Duje Bonacci, visited several class departments between 5th and 8th grade. In conversation with the students we had presented ourselves, as well as NSCC and our work and we gave students the opportunity to give suggestions, complain to us, etc. Finally, there was a meeting with the School Council of Students, which consisted of a little extensive presentation - the way that the Council of Students / NSCC works, active role of the students etc...

School Council of Students’ president and vice president praised their successful actions, conducted us through the school garden, and at the farewell NSCC donated Sara Jalušić, chairperson of the School Students’ Council, the book Democratic management of schools.

On Tuesday morning next stop was the Center for Education Cakovec, which is attended by students and youth with special needs. Director of the Center, Mrs. Dragica Benčik, conducted us through the school to see the conditions in which they work and study, the daily life of school and problems they face. After the tour in the conversation with the director, we learnt more about the school, its infrastructure and problems which regard space. At the end of socializing school Principle donated NSCC members ornaments which had been made by the Center participants themselves.

Both events were covered by the cameras of Cakovec television, and we would like to thank its reporters for media coverage of events.

On the rest of the session, we completed, and we got the final shape of Students’ Code of Ethics, which students will be proposed to sign when entering school. We wrote a statement for the media about violence among children and youth which we plan to send away as quickly as possible. We’ve amended the Program of the Council's work and now we have listed in it the activities (that we are obliged to spend as stakeholders) concerning two measures in the National Program of measures for the introduction of compulsory secondary education. We’ve also started to write a brochure intended for students who work at SSC and discussed the organization of the County council of students, especially the City of Zagreb. NSCC has changed its Code of Conduct and NSCC’s logo was elected. NSCC has accepted the European Declaration on the Rights of highschool students. It was decided that the binomial working committee of NSCC is going to write a proposal to the Ministry regarding the extra / additional classes and competitions in schools. Krunoslav Habunek, representative of the Varaždin County, was elected as a representative of NSCC in the Committee for the Luka Ritz award. There were some talks held about promotion campaign taking place in Croatian schools in autumn with the aim of promoting the system of students’ representation in Croatia and informing students about their rights. It was agreed that it will be this year for the first time in Croatia to mark the 17th November, International Day of secondary school students. Discussed some options, but for now it was decided that we will propose the Ministry and the schools that on that date, in a certain hour, the class president should read to his/her class an excerpt from the Declaration on the Rights of high school, the Law on Education and the Declaration on the Rights of the Child.

Ministry spokesman, Mr. Duje Bonacci, gave us a presentation of his ideas, the formation of Virtual Students’ Parliament, as a means for practicing democracy through the Internet.

All photos are in our Photogallery.


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